Wednesday Morning Worlds 2019

  • Location: Ride Studio Cafe in Lexington, MA

  • Ride Type: Road Ride

  • Date & Time: Every Wednesday at 6:00 am. Ridden from 24 April through the end of August 2019.

  • Distance: ~36 Miles

  • Price: Free

Description:  Wednesday Morning Worlds is the Studio's fastest and most lively weekly ride.  The average pace is 20-23 mph depending on the time of year and the weather.  It's also a very tight and serious ride; we ride two abreast and pull through as a paceline.  This ride is for experienced cyclists only.

Prior to the ride the Studio doors open for water, air, and bathroom.  After the ride the Cafe is open for caffeinated drinks!

Proper Bike for this ride:  23-28c road slick tires, clipless pedals, drop handlebars; no aero bars. 


Ride Notes:  None beyond the description above.

Estimated time:  About 1.75 hours.

Last Minute Information:  Watch Ride Studio Cafe's Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations or other changes. 

Contact Information:  Email -, Phone - (339) 970-0187

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different:  All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. 

Waiver:  RSC requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride. 

Adventure 500

Road Ride from Ride Headquarters