Ride Type: Remote paved and dirt roads
Time & Date: Sunday, November 24
Starting Point: New Boston, NH
Distance: 65 miles / 105 km
Price: Free
Price: $0, but you MUST be a NEER member to participate
This is a gorgeous, well-planned gravel route with others out there on it at the same time. It’s got a bit of everything (though averages out at smoother), all appropriate for gravel bikes and tires. Some people are doing the ride as a training ride so they’ll be on loaded fat bikes.
You’re welcome to ride whatever bike you want as long as the minimum tire size is met and you have tools/tubes in case of a mechanical.
You’ll have co-adventurers, you’re not out there alone. If you’re a slower rider, the loaded fat bike riders are likely to be either at your speed or behind you so you won’t be the last rider. Send an email if you’re unsure of your pace and who else is coming out.
Please know that fat bike tires are way, way overkill for this route. Gravel bikes/tires are totally appropriate!
Start Location
Starting Point: New Boston, NH
Route Information
Here is some general information about the route:
Distance: ~65 miles
We will share the route and ride details no later than 7pm Friday before the ride to all who RSVP before then. If you RSVP Saturday, you’ll receive the route by 9pm the night before the ride (so don’t panic)!
The route has not been vetted this year so there’s a chance a road is closed or a trail is closed or conditions have changed since we vetted it. This route is not that likely to present big navigation challenges given its location and the roads/trails we’re taking.
There will be one group averaging a solid “moderate” pace to depart last at 9am. This is not necessarily a sweep group. Everyone up for a solid moderate pace is welcome to join in this group. These are riders who are usually comfortable with a 16-17mph pace on a 4+ hour road ride for comparison purposes. The pace will be less since the terrain is mixed with plenty of dirt and elevation and everyone is riding a bigger-tire bike.
Your pace will be ~20-30% slower than your road riding pace.
We will not shuttle riders anywhere, it’s your responsibility to have a plan in case your bike or legs stop working.
There is little cell coverage in this area, so be aware of that.
We’ll send an email by 7pm the day before the ride, with the route, instructions, and details so you understand logistics and exactly what to do.
If you’re a member of NEER, you’ve signed the waiver. If you think you haven’t signed it, please do it now:
Riding Rules
Be sure you’re up for the general riding rules:
Bring everything you need for mechanicals that pop up on gravel/mixed terrain rides. All the things you need for a flat, tubeless puncture, EXTRA TUBE even if you run tubeless, air, levers, chain breaker, chain pliers, multi tool, spare derailleur hanger if your bike uses these.
Be sure to bring anything else you might need taking into account the weather, your personal circumstances, your health, etc.
You will want to come prepared with extra food, water, and fitness for the distance. The route file will show where food/water stops are located. These aren’t fancy (think: Dunkin Doughnuts).
After the Ride
Bring a change of clothes and food to enjoy for the drive home. There aren’t a lot of food/drink options in this area.
Proper Bike for this Ride
A road or gravel bike that has 32mm tires or wider. 32mm tires will work for riders on this route based on what we saw of the roads last year. 40mm should be ideal. Mountain bikes will be a little overkill on much of the route. Narrower than 32mm are strongly discouraged. There is some loose gravel on the roads, and some sandy spots. Narrower tires are more likely to pinch flat and are less stable. If you’re not sure of your gravel riding ability, this isn’t the best first ride to take on.
Clipless pedals and shoes. These are important elements of bike control. Mountain bike pedals/shoes are appropriate; road pedals/shoes should not be used.
A bike that’s in safe working order. Make very certain your bike comes clean, lubed, safety checked with fresh brake pads, and tires in good shape. A bike that makes any unusual noises - from a squeaky chain to any kind of other noise should not be ridden prior to being evaluated and fixed by a professional mechanic.
Contact Information and How to Get Your Questions Answered
Email with any questions. Call 413-461-7433 the day of the ride to speak with the organizer on route. Please contact us via email prior to the day of the ride for all matters otherwise.