Before the start of every ride, we do a safety talk and explain how the ride will be run, what to expect, and point out anything that is helpful for riders to know prior to starting to ride.
The rules laid out below are requirements of all riders who join in any of our rides. Should a rider not be interested in following one ore more of these rules, that rider should not attend a ride. We also have rules to maximize the enjoyment for all on every ride.
Variation: We can have routes that change fairly frequently. We want to explore and show riders new cool roads.
Ride Leaders: We call them Super Domestiques and they lead the way and offer leadership during the ride. Sometimes the group you’re with will not have a Super Domestique; this is the case when you’re riding ahead of the Super Domestique’s group. Thus, if you drop off the group you’re with and stay on the route, the Super Domestique’s group will pick you up.
No-Drop Style. We’ve designed some of our rides to avoid anyone getting dropped and lost. Some of our other rides are “drop” rides; keep up or you’ll be on your own. Read the description of each ride to be sure to join the right one for you.
Bring the route: On many of our rides, we provide the route to you. If we ask you to bring it loaded on a GPS computer, please do this. It’s easier to keep people together and if you fall behind for a moment, it’s not a problem since you’ll rejoin the group at the next regroup point. It makes it easier to offer a faster group since everyone knows where to go so riders are less dependent on the Super Domestique.
Obey the law: We don’t spray-paint arrows on the road. It’s illegal. Therefore, we ride as groups and use Garmin computers to follow the route.
Ride single file at these times:
On curvy roads
On busy roads. “Busy” means a car every minute or so.
Ride double – or single – file at these times:
On wide straight roads
On very quiet roads where you see a car no more often than once every five minutes.
When riding two abreast leave about 6” to 1’ between your handlebar next your neighbor’s handlebar; no more or less than this. Do not take up the entire lane; take up less than half the lane.
Obey traffic laws as if you were driving your car.
Never cross the yellow line. Ever. Don’t go near the double yellow line – stay to the right of the right half of the lane.
Stop at stop signs and stop lights. Running lights and stop signs is particularly dangerous behavior when riding in a group.
Signal when you’re turning unless it’s unsafe to do so.
Signal sudden/unexpected road hazards or stops if it’s safe to do so. Always call out anything sudden/unexpected.
Always ride with traffic.
Take lane markings seriously.
Be good representatives for sport of cycling.
Ride just to the left of the white line. Never ride in the middle of the road.
Be courteous to your fellow riders.
Be courteous to cars and pedestrians.
Make eye contact with motorists and other cyclists to let them know you are there.
Do not ride on the sidewalk in a town center.
Be present to your surroundings.
No earbuds.
No half-wheeling – overlapping your front wheel with another rider’s back wheel. This is extremely dangerous.
No breaking formation from one or two riders across.
This includes not bunching up at stop signs and lights or anytime anyone stops for any reason (like a flat, mechanical, etc.)
Don’t fixate on the wheel in front of you. Look ahead on the road to see traffic and the riders ahead; this will afford you much better reaction time if something is happening.
If you’re having trouble with the pace or having equipment problems, communicate with riders around you or the ride leader so that you aren’t dropped.
Do not tell people to go ahead without you without the Super Domestique’s knowledge and agreement to a plan.
If you lose sight of the group or miss a turn, IMMEDIATELY call us 413-461-7433. DO NOT WAIT to make this call since it’s easy to find each other immediately and no problem, but waiting is far more challenging for all.
We work very hard to keep all riders together with each other and us throughout the ride. However, if you’ve come out to a ride beyond your ability level, we’ll discuss a good plan to allow the other riders to get the ride they’re expecting while offering you a good ride plan. We ask for your honesty in this conversation about what you feel comfortable doing or if calling for a ride is a better approach. We want you to be safe and happy while keeping the other riders safe and happy as well. This is especially important when the temperatures are low since all need to keep moving to stay warm.
Be predictable
Ride at a constant speed; don’t brake suddenly.
Ride in a straight line; don’t swerve or change direction without purpose. Look ahead on the road to see if there are any obstacles well ahead of them so you can steer predictably around the impediment, not when you’re right on top of them.
We will call 911 if your injury appears life threatening in any way. If you don’t want emergency services, you’re welcome to discuss this with the paramedics once they arrive. We err on the side of caution. You will need to have a way to get home; a rider who has had a bad fall isn’t safe to continue riding immediately.
If you hit your helmet on anything during the ride with any damage resulting to your helmet, there’s a potential of a concussion or other injury. You will need to get a ride home or riders will call 911 depending on the severity.
If you are injured on a group ride and require medical services immediately or at any point in the future, you are required to email us at Tell us what happened and what follow up medical help you’ve needed. This must be in writing as soon after the incident as possible.
Waiver: NEER requires a signed waiver before your first ride. You may ride only once with NEER without being a member. Some rides require membership to join.
Bike: A properly maintained bike appropriate for the kind of riding you'll be doing with the group. Flat pedals on road rides and tri/aero bars are dangerous in group rides so please don't group ride with these. Flat pedals on mountain rides and rides where drafting closely isn’t part of the ride are acceptable.
Cycling shoes that are outfitted with cleats.
Appropriate clothes for changing temperatures.
Flat fix kit: including at least one appropriate tube that you have checked for holes in the past 2 months, air via CO2 or hand pump, tire levers. If your tires are set up tubelessly, these requirements still apply. Also add bacon/plugs to your flat fix kit.
If your bike uses replaceable derailleur hangers, have at least one extra on you.
Spare chain link for your chain.
Chain breaker.
Water: Two full water bottles or more depending on the requirements of the ride.
Food and enough calories to get you through the ride with something left over.
Fenders: Only for road rides - if the roads are wet put on a back fender that covers enough of your rear wheel so that no one has to eat liquefied road grit!
Front and Rear Lights: If there's dim sunlight or if the ride begins or ends when the sun isn't shining. Let us know if you need lights, we usually carry lights with charge on us that you can purchase prior to the ride.
We always include instructions in all pre-ride emails for those who are driving to each ride. Be sure to never park in a space that is intended for a business, try to park nearest to the big, red van when possible.
Don’t go too far ahead if you’re not the designated Super Domestique. If you ride in front of the Super Dom such that you can't hear where the next turn is, you are on your own and no longer part of the group ride. We suggest you don’t ride ahead of the leader because you might miss a turn; we won’t be chasing you down to inform you.
On busy and winding roads:
Always ride single file; no exceptions.
Ride in small groups of 2-4 riders. Leave gaps to the next group of riders so cars can get past each group one at a time. This is significantly safer than riding as one big group and forcing cars to cross the yellow line for a significant amount of time.
You call these out to help other riders
Car back - This means get in a single file pace line because we want to provide room for a car to pass safely.
Car up – If a car is turning in front of the group or in the same lane traveling more slowly than the group.
Slowing – When the group unexpectedly slows down. Examples: when a flat happens, an unexpected turn arises, chipmunk pops out of nowhere.
At intersections:
Call “Cars” when they are present, Don’t call “Clear” because it’s everyone’s responsibility to determine when the road is clear enough to be safe to cross.
Hand signals are optional and may be used when it’s safe to do so. These are explained here so you know what they mean.
Left turn: Point to the left with outstretched arm.
Right turn: Point to the right with outstretched arm or bend left arm upward (as if in a car to signal a right-hand turn).
Slowing or Stopping: Open, outfacing hand on lower back or open palm pointing backwards.
Danger in the road: Point at it before you get to it.
Pedestrian to the right: Slap hip twice with right hand, then point to the right.
If a rider chooses to ride dangerously, disobey the rules after being reminded of safe riding expectations, or show a lack of respect to fellow riders or other people encountered while riding, NEER will discontinue the riders’ membership. NEER will email the rider in writing and will refund any unused portion of the membership fee that the rider paid to NEER. There is no excuse for unsafe riding or bad attitudes and no other person on a ride should be put in danger as a result of the actions of an individual.