Winter Party and 45NRTH Product Launch

  • Location: Ride Studio Cafe in Lexington, MA
  • Event Type:  Social Gathering
  • Date & Time:  Thursday, 19 October 2017 -- 7pm
  • Reason for Gathering:  Celebrate the coming winter, see lots of winter gear and apparel, get motivated by meeting others who enjoy riding in the winter
  • Price:  Free
snow by RV


Come out to WELCOME WINTER with a Ride Studio party! This is a 45NRTH limited edition introduction of something special which you will be the first to see. There will be ultra limited extra somethings that go to a select few people.

We have all sorts of cool winter stuff to show off, and you can pick up what you need now from all apparel, to bike gear and more. Get ready before the weather turns so you are ready for the First Snow Ride (yes, that is happening again this year). Be sure to follow #rscfirstsnow.

We have winter bike promos for Honeys and Sevens only available for those who come out to this party. We love winter riding and this is the year you discover how fun, enjoyable, and easy it is to keep riding through the Hot Drink Season! Bring your friends, winter is even more fun when shared! We’re serving tasty beer and light refreshments. Please RSVP!

Last Minute Information: We will email all attendees with last-minute information if anything changes from what we have published here. Please be sure to RSVP on the event page

Questions? Email Ride Studio Cafe at



RSC First Snow Ride

Winter Riding Clinic