Sherborn Trail Clean-Up Day

  • Location: Ride Headquarters & all over Sherborn
  • Event Type:  Mixed Terrain riding and Clean-up together
  • Date & Time:  Saturday, April 21 at 8:30am
  • Reason for this event:  The snowstorms in March brought many trees and limbs down, littering Sherborn trails. We want to clean them up so we can ride them without interruption!
  • Price:  Free
Photo Nov 25, 11 04 56 AM.jpg


The Sherborn trails are a playground for bike riding and are a tremendous resource for everyone who enjoys walking and riding in nature throughout the year.

The Sherborn Forest and Trail Association, SFTA, does a lot of work to keep the trails nice, works to increase useage of the trails, hosts events to highlight the trails, increases signage, works to educate the public, and much, much more.

This is a great chance, as cyclists who love to ride these trails, to give back to SFTA and the trails.

Timing: We'll meet at Ride Headquarters between 8am and 8:30am. At 8:30am, we'll ride over to the Pine Hill Elementary School together, where we will gather with the SFTA and other volunteers. We'll share GPS routes to cyclists and break up into smaller groups so that we can cover as much ground as possible in 3-4 hours of work.

What to bring:

  • Backpack to carry tools while riding
  • Tools that cut. In particular, anything that cuts a 1" thick branch.
  • Suggested tools: Chain saw loppers, manual or powered pole saws for overhead branches
  • Work Gloves to protect your hands
  • If you don't have tools, please mention this in the RSVP. We'll make sure everyone has a tool or that we have enough tools per small group to be effective in clearing the trails.
  • If you have extra tools to share, please mention this in the RSVP and bring them!

Before setting out to the trails, we'll go through how to clear them and general guidelines for properly clearing the trails, where to put the twigs and sticks, etc.

Last Minute Information: We will email all attendees with last-minute information if anything changes from what we have published here. Please be sure to RSVP below! 

Questions? Please include them in the RSVP form below or email and we'll get back to you.


Please RSVP so we and SFTA know to expect you.

RSC - Saturday Morning Mixed Terrain 2018

Saturday Horizon Chasers 2018