Road Bikes in the Wilds of Sherborn

  • Location:  Ride Headquarters in Sherborn, MA
  • Ride Type:  Road bikes on Mixed Terrain Dirt Trails
  • Date & Time:  Saturday, TBD 2017; departs at 9:30 am
  • Distance:  ~10 Miles
  • Price:  Free

Please RSVP.  Space is limited.

Details:  This is an unusual ride:  Riding road bikes in the woods.  Why would you do such a thing?  Well, lots of reasons.  In this case, the idea of this weirdness is to do a fun dirt ride for people that don't have a mixed terrain, 'cross, or mountain bike -- and to see some beauty you won't find on a typical road ride.

We'll be moving at a decent clip on this fun-first ride that takes you and your road bike into the deep woods of Sherborn, MA and neighboring hinterlands. 

If you're up for learning how to ride 23c tires on technical trails, this might be the ride for you.  Be forewarned that this is not a clinic ride; it's a fitness ride.  Regardless, you might just learn a trick or two about getting slick tires through slippery slopes and ragged rocks without getting a flat.  Then again, maybe not.  No promises.

Join us for the fun; stay for the great trail serenity.

You don't have to be on a road bike to join the ride -- all are welcome.  However, riding on trails with 23c tires is pretty fun!

Route:  The route is available to attendees on the morning of the ride.

Estimated time: ~1.5 hours

Ride Notes:  The pace of the ride is steady, labored breathing.  We'll probably average about 7-miles per hour; that's a decent clip on the trails.

Last Minute Information: Watch Ride Headquarters' Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations, or other changes. 

Contact Information:  Email; Phone (339) 970-0187

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different:  All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. 

Waiver:  RHQ requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride.

Proper Bike for this ride:  

  • 23-28c road slick tires -- because anyone can ride trails on a fat tire
  • Clipless pedals.  Road or mountain will be fine.  It's easier to hike-a-bike in the woods in mountain shoes but road shoes and cleats will be fine if you pay attention.
  • Drop handlebars; no aero bars.
  • Tool kit and a proper spare tube or two. 
  • A bike that’s in safe working order.  We don’t stop for preventable mechanical issues.

You don't have to be on a road bike to join the ride -- all types of trail worthy bikes are welcome.

Come by at least 30-minutes early so you can make any last minute bike adjustments and be ready for the pre-ride meeting.  Ride Headquarters opens at 8:00 am on Saturdays.

Please RSVP above.  Thanks!

Maneha 250 - 2017

Road Bikes in the Backwoods of Lexington