Riding to Lose Weight Seminar with Charles Coaching & Nutrition Services (CCNS)

  • Location: Ride Headquarters in Sherborn, MA

  • Event Type: Seminar

  • Time & Date: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 7PM

  • Price: Seminar - Free with RSVP

  • Presented by Charles Coaching & Nutrition Services

We're pleased to welcome back Aidan Charles and staff of CCNS. Aidan will be speaking from 7-8:30pm on Tuesday, January 15th. He and his staff will also be performing Lactate Threshold (LT) testing all day leading up to the seminar at Ride Headquarters. To read more about the LT Testing, see that event here.

7-8:30pm Aidan Charles Hosts a Seminar about Riding to Lose Weight

7-8:30pm Aidan Charles Hosts a Seminar about Riding to Lose Weight

Is your sweet tooth doing you in? Tired of "yo-yo" dieting? Can't stick to a regimented meal plan? Come out to a special night at Ride Headquarters on January 15th.  USA Cycling certified coach Aidan Charles will present a fun and informative clinic about setting the right weight loss goal and how to be successful in reaching it! Aidan will discuss obstacles that CCNS athletes have dealt with and how they successfully overcame them. Aidan will review proper on-the-bike and post-ride fueling principles as well. Bring a notepad and expect to take home great suggestions and targets that you can apply on your next big ride. 

Please RSVP for the seminar below. You may also learn more about and register for any of the testing sessions if you're interested in getting that done on the event page. We are fortunate that Aidan and his staff are making the 2-hour trip to come here to make all of this so easily accessible!

Email connect@rideheadquarters.com with any questions.

Last Minute Information: Watch our Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations or other changes. 

Contact Information: Email - connect@rideheadquarters.com, Phone - 508-975-4678

Waiver: Ride Headquarters requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride. 

RSVP Here Now! We’ll email all submissions the day before the event with any details you’ll want to know.

Lactate Threshold Testing with Charles Coaching & Nutrition Services (CCNS)

Good Friends Gathering Ride