Mach One Ride

  • Location: Ride Studio Cafe in Lexington, MA

  • Ride Type: Road Ride

  • Updated Time: 8:55am Sunday Mornings Weekly, year round

  • Distance: ~35 miles

  • Price: Free


Description: This is our fastest ride. This is the same route as the Coffee Ride but at a much faster pace. Where the Coffee ride is a community ride, this is too fast to do much socializing while riding. If you'd like to get to know the RSC riding community, we recommend starting with our Coffee Ride, it is the best place to begin riding with us. If you want to ride faster than 19mph, please DO NOT join in on the Coffee ride, but do this ride instead.

We expect all riders to be very proficient road bike riders prior to joining in this ride. You must be capable of maintaining the pace without digging too deep as that leads to unsafe situations. We will allow no more than 10 people in each group. We split up into groups so there aren't too many people in each one. Your safety is our primary goal that guides how we break up groups and set ride expectations.

Route:  RideWithGPS

Mach One defining characteristics:

• Fast: RSC's fastest ride. Typically 22+ mph

• Steady pace – think "locomotive" rather than "jack rabbit."

• Drop – meaning if you can't keep up with the group or have a mechanical you'll have to find your way back to RSC alone. Note that groups of slower paces will be coming along behind this ride so if you stay on the route, you may join one of the next groups when they come by.

Ride Notes: When you arrive at the Studio (please arrive before 8:50am), you’ll have to fill out the Mach One signup form in order to ride. You also need to pick up a Blue Card to opt into this group. You’ll need to sign up each time you do this ride. By adding your name to the list you agree to ride safely and smartly, including:

• I will obey all traffic laws. Including full stops at stop signs, riding to the right of the road, and ensuring that we all follow the rules that good riders do.

• I will ride at a steady hard pace. This includes avoiding quick changes in speed including sprinting, riding erratically, jumping from the group, and cutting corners. We ride hard when it's easy and easy when it's hard.

• I will treat pedestrians and cars with respect.

• I will ride safely and with self awareness in this group.

Your email address will be used for communications about this ride only. We will not share your email with anyone.

Last Minute Information: Watch our Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations or other changes. 

Estimated time: 2-2.5 hours

Contact Information: Email -, Phone - 339-970-0187

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different: All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. 

Waiver: RSC requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride. 

Proper Bike for this ride:  23-28c road slick tires, clipless pedals, drop handlebars, no aero bars.

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