Hot Chocolate Prestige

Hot Chocolate Prestige Ride Saturday, February 29, 2020

  • Location: Ride Headquarters in Sherborn, MA

  • Ride Type: Road Ride

  • Date & Time: Saturday 29 February at 11:00am

  • Distance: 36 miles

  • Price: Free

Description: This is a 100% paved ride, 36 miles in length. The hot chocolate will really hit the spot after the ride!

This is a great opportunity to have some fun on the road, meet other road riders, and enjoy hot chocolate and hot coffee & tea at no charge to you at Ride Headquarters after the ride is over! 

We host safe, organized group rides. The advertised pace of the ride is what you can expect to average on the ride.

Parking: We have a big lot behind the store. Park and ride if you don't feel like riding to the start of the ride.

Route: The route is new, it is here: Hot Cocoa Road Route- all paved. It includes a Pegan Hill climb, everyone rides at his/her own pace, regroup at the top. 

Ride Notes: We have Ride Headquarters Super Domestiques leading the ride and pointing out turns. Super Domestiques make sure the pace of the ride stays consistent, they manage the group, and offer safe, efficient riding techniques.

Speed: We’ll stick to a 16-17mph average.

Estimated time: Approximately 2 hours. 

Last Minute Information: Watch Ride Headquarter's Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations or other changes.  

Contact Information: Email -, Phone - 508-975-4678

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different: All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules.

Waiver: Ride Headquarters requires a signed waiver. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride. 

Proper Bike for this ride:  

  • Road bike with 23-28c tires. Weather conditions will change the ideal bike type.

  • Clipless pedals and shoes. These are important elements of bike control.

  • A bike that’s in safe working order.

  • Fenders if it's wet on the road.

  • No aerobars.

If you'd like us to do any work on your bike prior to the ride, please email us the day before so we're ready to do the work as soon as you come in; we want you to be ready to roll before the group is ready to go.

Thursday Lunch Road Ride - Moderate pace

Dusk to Dawn Ride 2017