Saturday Horizon Chasers 2019

  • Location: Ride Studio Cafe in Lexington, MA

  • Ride Type: Road Ride

  • Date & Time: Every Saturday at 8:45 am. Ridden from March 29 through the end of October 2019.

  • Distance: 61 Miles; varies with the season and weather

  • Price: Free

Description:  The Horizon Chasers is the Studio's longest weekly ride.  The average pace is 17.5 mph depending on the time of year and the weather.  We're riding for endurance, not speed.  It's a steady pace with a food stop about midway on the ride. If enough people show, we can split into two groups with a faster (17-18mph) pace for the first group. 

Proper Bike for this ride:  23-28c road slick tires, clipless pedals, drop handlebars; no aero bars. 

Route: The route takes riders to Ride Headquarters to enjoy hot coffee, fresh water, cold drinks in the fridge, ice cream in the freezer, a few moments of rest before returning to Ride Studio. RideWithGPS link:

There is an ADDITIONAL ride option for all interested: each Saturday, Ride Headquarters is hosting a 36-mile ride starting at 11am. The way timing works out, if you want to ride down with Ride Studio, then join on the Ride Headquarters ride, then return at the end of this ride, you are welcome to do this. That's one great way to get a really long ride in one day and have it all include nice people on fun group rides! 

Ride Notes:  All paved. Food stop is at mile 32, Ride Headquarters. 

Estimated time:  About 3-5 hours depending on the time or year and the weather.

Last Minute Information:  Watch Ride Studio Cafe's Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations or other changes. 

Contact Information:  Email -, Phone - (339) 970-0187

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different:  All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. 

Waiver:  RSC requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride.

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