Formidable Ride - Pave & Terra

  • Location: Lexington & Sherborn, MA
  • Ride Type:  Dirt roads, pavement, and mixed terrain
  • Date & Time:  Saturday 14 October 2017
  • Distance:  ~160 miles road, ~100 miles road, ~120 miles dirt options 
  • Price:  $100 before August 31. $145 from September 1 - October 13.
Formidable Ride_overland_base_camp

Description:  The Formidable is the toughest road ride in Massachusetts. 

Route:  The routes will be provided by OBC just before the ride to registered riders.

Ride Notes:  We'll update this when the ride date draws nearer.

Estimated time:  Allow the full day for this great ride. 

Last Minute Information:  Watch Overland Base Camp's Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations or other changes. 

Overland Base Camp Contact Information:  Email OBC or call:  (617) 991-0640.

Proper Bike for This Ride:  

  • If you're doing the Formidable Terra: A bike with knobby tires 32c or wider. 40c is ideal.
  • If you're doing the Formidable Pave: A bike with 23c-28c slick tires. 

For either ride option: 

  • Clipless pedals:  This ride isn't for everyone; we ride at a fair pace and aren't stopping a lot.
  • Spare tube or two – with all the tools required to fix a flat – or two.
  • Basic tool kit:  Self-sufficiency is the phrase of the day. 
  • Fenders may be appropriate, depending on the weather.

Thursday Evening Nitro Road Ride - Moderate pace

Diverged Ride 2017