Sunday Coffee Ride

  • Location: Ride Studio Cafe in Lexington, MA

  • Ride Type: Road Ride

  • Time/Date: 9am Sunday Mornings Weekly, year round

  • Distance: 36 miles

  • Price: Free


Description: This is our hallmark ride. If you'd like to get to know the RSC riding community, this is the best place to begin riding with us. There are three (or more) riding groups so you can choose the pace that's best for you. We expect all riders to be proficient road bike riders prior to joining in this ride. We split up groups so there aren't too many people in each one. Your safety is our primary goal that guides how we break up groups and set ride expectations. Each group has a Ride Studio Super Domestique leading the way and ensuring ride rules are followed. 


Route Notes: There are a few spots where single file is best. Take care when making the left from Concord Rd onto Morse Rd. The group may not be able to do this at once.

At mile ~30-31 while descending on Pine Hill Road, there is a manhole cover above the ground that needs to be avoided.

Ride Notes: When you arrive at the Studio (please arrive before 9am), there are color-coded cards. Choose one card that matches the pace you would like to ride. We collect the cards as you and your group rolls out. This way, we keep group sizes to a manageable size.

Green Cards: Pace is 18-19mph average – no faster. Riders wishing to go faster now have a ride just for you called the Mach One ride which now departs at 8:55am.

Yellow Cards: Pace is 17mph average. Moderate. We typically have 2 moderate groups departing. 

Red Cards: Pace is 15-16mph average, no drop if you’re up for the pace. We have someone sweeping this group so no one gets dropped if there is a mechanical or other reason someone needs to stop.  A minimum 15mph pace is required of all riders.

Brown Cards: “Decaf” Option – offered on select weeks. Pace is 13-14mph average, no drop.  We update this page on weeks when the Decaf Option is running. Also, feel free to email us to ask if you’re unsure which group you should ride in, or if you want to join in this group. Note: on Saturdays, the Espresso ride offers a 14-15mph ride group on quite a few weekends in the summer.

Last Minute Information: Watch our Twitter feed for last-minute updates, weather cancellations or other changes. 

Estimated time: 2-2.5 hours

Contact Information: Email -, Phone - 339-970-0187

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different: All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. 

Waiver: RSC requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride. 

Proper Bike for this ride:  23-28c road slick tires, clipless pedals, drop handlebars, no aero bars.

Sunday Endurance Ride 2017

Sunday Polar Bear Ride 2017