Ireland and Lightweight Touring with Pamela Blalock and John Bayley

  • Location: Ride Studio Cafe in Lexington, MA
  • Event Type:  Presentation 
  • Date & Time:  New time/date - watch for an update, will be late summer/early fall
  • Reason for Event:  See stunning photos of riding in Ireland and learn about lightweight touring
  • Price:  Free

Description:  John Bayley and Pamela Blalock are well known in New England for their accomplishments in cycling. They are serious endurance riders, tandem together frequently, and are known for putting up impressive times on Mt Washington. They also travel the world on bike.

During this presentation, they'll talk about riding all over Ireland. You'll see their stunning photographs of a two-month light-weight touring trip they recently completed.

The Blayleys, as they call themselves, have done a significant amount of lightweight touring and will share their insights on the best practices they've learned through many hours on the road. They will discuss logistics of lightweight touring - light, but prepared, they have advice specific to touring around Ireland, logistics and advice about touring alone (Pamela did some of the trip alone), and how to find the best tiny traffic-free roads.

Ride Studio Cafe will be providing light appetizers and drinks. Come out for this fun and insightful evening with Pamela and John! 

Last Minute Information: We will email all attendees with last-minute information if anything changes from what we have published here. Please be sure to RSVP!  

Questions? Email Ride Studio Cafe at

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