All of the NH Beaches & More in a Day!
Start location: Salisbury, MA
Ride Type: Fat bike ride
Date & Time: 9am Sunday, March 2
Distance: 55 miles total
Price: Free*
* You are welcome to ride once as a non-NEER member, after this membership is required to attend
RSVPs: Required, form is at the bottom
This ride departs at 9am. We’re riding together as a group, but on the beach, everyone can ride at his/her own pace; no one will get dropped, we re-group periodically. There are some roads connecting beaches and trails. The ride up is beach the ride back after lunch in Portsmouth is trail.
Studded tires are required. The trail section from Portsmouth back to the start is likely to have snow and ice on it. We want to play it safe. Besides, it’s too early to swap over from studded tires yet this winter!
We’ll be at the parking lot by 8:45am. Please be ready to roll by 8:55am.
There is free all day parking in a large parking lot right across from the first beach. All RSVPs receive the route and exact parking directions.
The route will be shared via email with all who RSVP.
Estimated time
It will be ~6 hours rolling time, add 2+ hours for stopped time.
Lunch Stop
There is a really nice, large place for lunch in Portsmouth, NH. It offers many different types of good food, coffee, lunch foods, healthy options, pizza, you name it. Large tables allow us to eat together. Bikes will be parked on the sidewalk just outside of where we’ll be eating inside (where it’s warm)!
Contact Information
Email -, Phone which reaches the ride leader before and during the ride: 413-461-7433
Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different
All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules.
We require a signed waiver before your first ride with NEER. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride.
The proper bike & equipment for this ride includes the following:
Bike with 3.5” minimum width tires, studded tires are required.
Bring front and rear lights, there is a very good chance we’ll finish up after dark.
A bike that’s in safe working order that is properly lubed and tuned. You’ll need to find a ride back to the lot if you have a mechanical situation that will hinder the forward progress of the group by more than a few minutes.
Always bring a spare tube, air, tools for taking your wheels off your bike, a derailleur hanger and ALL of the tools you’d need to fix common mechanical situations.
Bring warmer clothes than you think you’ll need & storage area to take layers off/carry them!