Sunday Adventure Gravel Ride around Modnadnock

  • Location: Start and end in Winchendon, MA

  • Ride Type:  Adventure Gravel Ride for gravel bikes or hard tail mountain bikes who can do the distance

  • Date & Time: 8am, Sunday, October 1

  • Distance: 73 miles

  • Price:  Free, but we’re requiring NEER membership if this is your second ride with us.

  • RSVPs: Required, see bottom of page for RSVP form


This scenic gravel ride takes cyclists on a beautiful journey from Winchendon, MA into NH and around Modnadnock for lots of views of this mountain! There will be dirt roads and a little Class 4 roads to keep it interesting!

Special thanks to Kenny for putting this route and all of the details together!!!


We have one Super Domestique on the ride who will be riding a steady endurance pace for the distance (would translate to a 15-16mph pace if we were on paved roads so the pace will be less than this but with that kind of effort) and one person who knows the route and the area who will be riding single speed at a steady pace. These paces may or may not end up being the same.

You are welcome to ride faster than the led group(s) if you wish. You are also welcome to ride slower, but we advise bringing a friend if you’ll be behind the group for safety since we’ll be in an area with spotty cell coverage.

Please mention your pace in your RSVP if you think you’ll be faster/slower than the Super Domestique and be aware that there’s a chance you will be riding solo. We prefer if slower riders want to ride solo, you let us know and choose an earlier start time so that we can see you out on the road, it makes it safer to have some overlap out there.

Start, Distance & Estimated Ride Time

Please be ready to ride at 7:55am. We’ll start the safety talk/route talk at 8am and then roll out.

We’ll meet up at the big, red van in the Lake Dennison Parking lot.

Route is 73 miles long, we expect to be out there until ~3pm.


Parking is at a large, free lot at Lake Dennison:

42.640030, -72.087093


The route will be emailed to all who RSVP no later than 7pm the night before the ride.

Route Notes

Elevation gain is ~5,100 ft. according to RideWithGPS.

Expect some paved roads, around 60% dirt roads, some rougher dirt, a couple Class 4 roads, possibly a couple of places where you’ll want to want your bike for a short span. There will be at least one muddy spot, probably more considering how much rain we’ve been getting.

Food & Water During the Ride

There are 3 general stores along the route and a natural water spring. These are marked on the route.

Mi 31.6 - Dublin General Store

Mi 35.8 - Natural Spring (water!)

Mi 37.1 - Harrisville General Store

Mi 51.6 - Deli / Convenience Store

After the Ride

Bring a change of clothes so you can enjoy your drive home!

Bring something to eat, too.

Want to demo ride a bike? Talk about a new bike? Ride Headquarters has demo bikes for those who are interested in demo riding and discussing awesome, super fun new bikes. A ride like this isn’t ideal for demo riding, but we can measure your current bike and make a plan for your future demo ride. Contact Ride Headquarters at

Last-Minute Information

We will email all participants with any critical late-breaking news. Very, very last-minute news is found on our Twitter feed (shown on the home page of this website in case you don’t have a Twitter account).

Contact Information

Email - with questions about this ride up until 10pm the night before the ride.

CALL US if you need us to know anything just before the ride start or during the ride at 413-461-7433.

Don’t txt if you need an immediate response, all txt msgs go to our email that we aren’t checking if we’re in front of people at the ride or on our bikes.

Riding Rules

All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. RSVP’ing to this ride indicates you have read and accept all of the rules. These make the ride safer and more fun for all.


NEER requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride.

If this is your second or more ride with us, our insurance requires that you become a member of NEER.

Proper bike & Equipment

  • 38mm knobby tires or wider are recommended.  Wider tires are always nice! Tire choice depends on your riding skill set. Skinnier tires are strongly discouraged since your chances of flatting go up.

  • Clipless pedals and shoes.  These are important elements of bike control. If you are an experienced cyclist who has used platform pedals and sticky shoes extensively, this is acceptable. Note that mountain-style pedals/cleats are significantly better than road-style. We strongly discourage road pedals/cleats on a mixed terrain ride.

  • A bike that’s in safe working order that is properly lubed and tuned. We’ll ask you to call for a ride if you have a mechanical situation that will hinder the forward progress of the group by more than a few minutes or if you haven’t come prepared. There might not be much cell reception on this route so it could be a long walk.

  • High enough tire pressure to prevent pinch flatting and burping your tires.  We recommend about 80% of maximum rated tire pressure. Sometimes this is much too high, ask us if you’re not sure where to set your tire pressure. We like you to have more than enough air for these reasons:

    • We want to minimize flats on the ride.

    • You can easily take it out, much harder to add it in.

  • Be sure you have supplies necessary for all common mechanicals including extra derailleur hangers, a multi-tool, quick chain links, 2 x extra tubes, CO2 or hand pump, etc. You are responsible for you and your bike.

RSVP to Participate in this Ride Now!

Please RSVP only after you’ve made sure you can attend. It is inconsiderate to RSVP prior to committing to attending since it affects the experience of the other cyclists in attendance. We understand that things come up last-minute. Be sure to email us if you can’t attend:

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